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What is SwitchTake?

SwitchTake is the ultimate video pre-editing system.  Save time and optimize your workflow by making edits and organizing footage as you film.  It's natural and easy. 

  • Save time and start editing with a rough-cut timeline
  • Edit video while recording
  • SwitchTake Mobile - Swipe to edit ( IOS / Android )
  • SwitchTake Voice - edit with voice commands
  • Video import for Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve & Final Cut Pro

More about Using SwitchTake

  • Edit with app or your voice
  • Set In/out points
  • Cut bad takes
  • Keep good takes
  • Cut blank space
  • Organize streaming segments
  • Highlight Reel
  • Blooper Reel
  • Mobile app or voice commands

Learn how to edit with SwitchTake

  • Rename clips
  • Organzie clips by date / camera
  • Dump  / delete clips
  • Set timeline markers
  • Clip notes
  • Clip metadata

How to manage your clips


  • Multi-clip timelines
  • Create multiple timelines
  • Combine videos by folder
  • Tag clips
  • Insert/overlay clips
  • Youtube chapters

Scene Director Features

  • Generate rough-cut import files
  • Sync with mobile app / process voice commands
  • Premiere Pro
  • Davinci Resolve
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Youtube chapter setup

Importing video with SwitchTake

Get Started Today

Download SwitchTake


Edit with Mobile App

Edit with Your Voice


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