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SwitchTake / Editing Software

Video editors that work with SwitchTake.  Use the Premiere or Davinci options in SwitchTake to generate import files.

  • Vegas Video Editor
  • Any Videe Editor that supports XML/EDL files
Any Video Editor (UNIVERSAL)
  • Filmora
  • Movavi

Generate Media Clips
Use SwitchTake to generate media that can be imported into any video editor. 

  1. Select "More..." in SwitchTake
  2. Click "Build Sequences"
  3. Media file segemnts will be generated
  4. Import the media file segments into your video editor and add to your timeline
SwitchTake & Your Editing Software

What video editing software do you use?  Let us know and we will investigate adding SwitchTake support for your software.